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사람과 환경을 생각하는 기술로 미래의 혁신을 이루고 있습니다.

사람과 환경을 생각하는 기술로 미래의 혁신을 이루고 있습니다.


깨끗한 물의 가치를 지키기 위해 노력하는 주식회사 씨제이케이입니다.

산업용 수처리 부품
RO 멤브레인


"역삼투멤브레인 (Reverse Osmosis Membrane)은 물은 통과할 수 있으나 이온은 통과할 수 없는 얇은 막을 의미합니다. 1990년대 이전에는 셀룰로오스 아세테이트(Cellulose Acetate) 재질로 만들어 사용했으나, 높은 에너지 사용과 낮은 염 제거율로 인하여 고효율을 낼 수 있는 폴리아미드계 (Poly Amide) 고분자를 주요 소재로 이용하고 있습니다. 상 변화(액체에서 기체, 기체에서 액체 등)없이 용액에서 이온을 제거할 수 있는 기능 때문에 주로 염분 및 물 속의 오염물질을 제거하기 위한 목적으로 많이 사용됩니다. 바닷물을 음용수나 공업용수로 바꾸는 해수담수화, 전자부품 세척용 초순수 제조, 보일러에서 사용하는 순수 제조, 의료 및 제약용 순수 제조 분야 등에 활용됩니다. 이 외에도 최근 환경오염을 최소화하고 부족한 수자원을 폭넓게 사용하기 위하여 하수/폐수의 재활용이 각광을 받고 있으며, 식품 또는 음료 농축 등 그 응용분야는 아주 다양합니다."


  • 01생산수량(permeate flux), 염제거율(salt rejection)이 높다
  • 02높은 강도를 가지는 엷은 활성층을 가진다
  • 03넓은 ph범위에서 화학적으로 안정하다
  • 04막의 수명이 길다
  • 05물리적으로 미생물에 견디는 힘이 크다
  • 06다른 형태에서도 사용될 수 있는 다양성을 가진다
  • 07압력,온도등의 운전조작 범위가 넓다


  • · It is a most widely used product, and it is most effective when the concentration of the original water is below 10,000ppm.
  • · It can be used in varous ways since it has excellent performance and chemical durability.
  • · It is used in making drinking water, making industrial water, water for mecial reason, wastewater treatmen and concentraing food and drugs.
Model NameFlow RateSalt Rejection(%)Size(inch)    Test Conditions
RE16040-BE38,400 (145.3)99.7164040″ BW average
RE8040-BE10,500 (39.7)99.784040″ BW average
RE8040BE44011,500 (43.5)99.784040″ BW average
RE8040-BN9,500 (36.0)99.784040″ BW average
RE8040-BN3008,000 (30.3)99.784040″ BW average
RE8040-BR5,500 (20.8)99.7584040″ BW average
RE4040-BE2,400 (9.1)99.744040″ BW average
RE4040-BN2,000 (7.6)99.744040″ BW average
RE4021-BE1,000 (3.8)99.742121″ BW average
RE2540-BN600 (2.3)99.72.54040″ BW average
* Product with (N) sign is a product with NSF/ANSI standard 61 certificate.


  • · It is a most widely used product, and it is most effective when the concentration of the original water is below 10,000ppm.
  • · It can be used in varous ways since it has excellent performance and chemical durability.
  • · It is used in making drinking water, making industrial water, water for medical reason, wastewater treatment and concentrating food and drugs.
Model NameFlow RateSalt Rejection(%)Size(inch)Test Conditions
RE16040-BLR36,000 (136.3)99.6164040″ LP average
RE8040-BLN44036,000(49.2)99.284040″ LP average
RE8040-BLN12000(45.4)99.284040″ LP average
RE8040-BLR9,000(34.0)99.684040″ LP average
RE8040-BLF11,500(43.5)99.284040″ LP High flow
RE4040-BLN2,600(9.8)99.244040″ LP average
RE4040-BLR1,900(7.2)99.644040″ LP average
RE4040-BLF2,500(9.5)99.244040″ LP High flow
* Product with (N) sign is a product with NSF/ANSI standard 61 certificate.    


  • · Contamination of the membrane is the most problematic part when using reverse membrane.
  • · Especially, when using surface water and waste water as a basis water, high concentrations of organic matter often cause pollution that is difficult to recover.
  • · With stain resistance reverse membrane developed by Woongjin chemical's new technology highly reduced this problem. 
  • · Hydrophilicity has been improved, so hydrophobic substances (oil, organic matter.etc)  deposits less, and since the surface of the membrane is smooth, there is also less deposition of particles.
Model NameFlow RateSalt Rejection(%)Size(inch)    Test Conditions
RE16040-FE38,400 (145.3)99.7164040″ BW average
RE8040-FE10,500 (39.7)99.784040″ BW average
RE8040-FN9,500 (36.0)99.784040″ BW average
RE8040-FN3008,000 (30.3)99.784040″ BW average
RE8040-FLR10,000 (37.9)99.784040″ BW average
RE8040-FL9,000 (34.0)9984040″ LP average
RE4040-FLR2,100 (7.9)99.744040″ BW average
RE4040-FL1,900 (7.2)9944040″ LP average

해수담수용 제품 (SEA WATER)

  • · Sea water contains high percentage of salt, varying from 3 ~ to 5% , depending on region. 
  • · Because of this , sufficient amount of sea water is hard to use as drinking water and industrial water.
  • · High performance of CSM overcomes this shortcomes. High tech sea water desalination membrane enavles to change sea water into drinkable water by just one step.
  • · Not only it lessens the salt, is also removes all harmful substances that might be included.
  • · Also, it costs less than any other method.
SeriesModel NameFlow RateSalt Rejection(%)DiameterNet Thickness
TM820M-4007,000 (26.5)99.80834
TM820M-4407,000 (29.2)99.80828
(Low Energy)

TM810V1,900 (7.2)99.80434

9,000 (34.1)99.80834

9,900 (37.5)99.80828
(Super Low Energy)
(*600 psi)  
TSW-400LE6,100* (23.0*)99.60*834
TSW-440LE6,700* (25.3*)99.60*828
(Highest Rejection)
TM820K-4005,800 (21.9)99.86834
TM820K-4406,400 (24.2)99.86828


  • · It is most importand to highlight the importance of clean water at home, since it is directly linked to health.
  • · Reverse membrane propose the most certain method on unsure water quality.
  • · You can enjoy the most clean and pure water at home.
Model NameFlow RateSalt Rejection(%)Size(inch)Test Conditions
RE1810-3030961.81060 psi
RE1810-5050961.810NaCl 250ppm
RE2012-1001009621260 psi
(N)NaCl 250ppm
RE2010-LP30931.81220 psi
(N)NaCl 100ppm
RE2012-LP50931.81220 psi
(N)NaCl 100ppm
* Product with (N) sign is a product with NSF/ANSI standard 58 certificate.    


  • · The feature of nano membrane is that the removal ratio of  monovalent ion and divalent ion are different.
  • · According to this feature, it is available to remove selectively.
  • · As its main field of application, it recovers special chemicals or expensive raw materials such as developer and dye, and reduces the concentration of divalent ions in seawater desalination facilities
  • · It is also used for preprocessing to remove parts of monovalent ion.
Model NameFlow RateSalt Rejection(%)Size(inch)Test Conditions
NE8040-907,500 (28,4)85-95 (99.5)84040″ NE average
NE8040-707,000 (26.5)40-70 (99.5)84040″ NE average
NE4040-901,600 (6.0)85-95 (99.5)44040″ NE average
NE4040-701,500 (5.6)40-70 (99.5)44040″ NE average
NE2540-90500 (1.9)85-95 (99.5)2.54040″ NE average
NE2540-70350 (1.3)40-70 (99.5)2.54040″ NE average

한외 여과 멤브레인 (UF MEMBRANE)

  • · Ultrafiltration membrane cannot remove ion in the water, but it can remove fine particles.
  • · Usually, it can remove material of size less than 0.01 μm (one-thousandth of the thickness of the hair).
  • · For industrial use, it is used for manufactured ultra-pure polishing purposes and can also be used for residential use.
Model NameFlow RateSalt Rejection(%)Size(inch)Test Conditions
UE4040-PF3500100K(90%)44020 psi
DI water
UE8040-PF14000100K (90%)840
Model NameFlow RateSalt Rejection(%)Size(inch)Test Conditions
UE18102001000K1.81020 psi
DI water
  • 대표이사 김상욱
  • 과천사무소 경기도 과천시 과천대로7길 33, 에이동 1102호 (갈현동, 디테크타워)
  • 대표전화 031-355-8455
  • 본사(1공장) 경기도 화성시 남양읍 주석로 239-5(북양리)